Blackfish -The Movie



Ten minutes into the movie BlackfishI was in tears. Knowing full well what the movie was about, I hadn’t expected it to have such an immediate and profound effect.

Beginning with questions following the death of veteran Seaworld trainer Dawn Brancheau, Blackfish became much more than a mere inquiry. The movie relays the story of Tilikum, a performing killer whale (Orca) that killed several people while in captivity. For a detailed synopsis, read the article The Killer In the Pool, by Tim Zimmermann.

I also recommend this commentary by fellow blogger, animal activist, and friend Mo Brock.over at Cove Blue for Jiyu. Read her post here.

Keeping whales and dolphins in captivity is just plain WRONG. Training them to perform for profit is even “wronger”. And regardless of what Seaworld and other aquariums will tell us, these creatures are NOT happy family units that aim to please. Young Orcas are ripped away from their mothers and sold to make more profit. Whales are “housed” in holding tanks for the majority of their time, except when they are performing.They are denied food in order to give spectators a better “show”, These animals are stressed to the max.and do NOT live longer than their brothers and sisters in the wild. 

And speaking of in the wild, have you ever seen whales in the wild? I have. On a recent sailing trip, a large pod of Orcas in the San Juan Islands came fairly close to our sailboat, of their own free-will. (Click Here for video-around minute 2:30 is the Orcas)  

If you want to “learn” about marine life, don’t go to an aquarium or “show”. Do the right thing. Join a reputable watch group and enjoy them in their natural habitat. Oh, and go see the movie.



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