1 Week to go!

Well, even if I don’t win any medals, I’m gonna have a great looking butt come summer!

This training has been a wonderful motivator for me to work my lungs and body. And every time I come home from training, I am reminded of how fortunate I am to be able to accomplish the physical activities that I participate in.

Here is an article that appeared this week in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Yours Truly got her 15 minutes in this one.

I’ve added a little reminder to myself to “breathe.”  I had toyed with the idea of getting a tattoo for years, but nothing ever really struck me, so I set it aside. After months of high-anxiety over Mom’s diagnosis of lung cancer, many sleepless nights and fitful dreams, her doctor gave us the great news that she is in remission. That is when I took a deep, deep, grateful breath. And that was when I knew what I would do. It is a happy reminder.



So thank you for following us in this journey. It’s not over yet. And remember to breathe.


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