Happy National Hairball Awareness Day!

Yes, it’s true. Today is really National Hairball Awareness Day. Can you believe it? Being dogs, we really don’t “get” the whole hairball thiing, but my sissy, Roxy, ate a hairball once. She said it was yummy!

We were trying to find out more about this “hairball” thing, so we snuck onto Mommy’s computer last night, and found this really cool facebook page dedicated to hairball celebrities! Click the link to see the page.

fur creatures

We especially love the Katie Perry FURcreature!  Mommy’s getting out her Furminator right now to see what she can craft!

Have a happy, healthy National Hairball Awareness Day! 



Happy National Hairball Awareness Day! — 2 Comments

  1. Me and Kozmo leaves furballs for Mommy in the middle of the night, me particularly likes to leaves them in the middle of the bedroom doorway. Mommy wakes up most of the time now when me hacks them up cuz my hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon thinks me is creating doggy treats!

  2. yes, we doggies love eating kitty treats! kizzy especially love the tootsie rolls! LOL!