Camping Rules!!

the pup-up

hihihihihi! chance here! oooooohhhh! guess what? this weekend mommy and diddy took us camping! yeah! it was a “trial run” for the pup-up and me, since i’ve never been camping before. kismet and roxie have camped a lot, but not me, unless you count my time on the mean streets of atlanta as camping.

anyway, we went with our friends steph and glenn, and their furkid maggie. she’s real nice, and is an experienced camper. so we set up the pup, and we had so much fun! we went to a place called coleman lake in the talladega national forest, the campsites were wooded and had hook-ups (alabama summers are HOT!) and water and trees and tables. we had a campfire ring but didn’t bring any wood, and diddy is too cheap to buy it, and it was hot anyway, so…. no fire.

mommy bought me a little pup tent of my own, hoping i’d get comfy in it and not be able to scratch out of the big pup-up. you know, a tent within a tent. kizzy loves it, too, and we took turns in it. roxie likes laying under the car, so we’re real careful to keep our eye on her. do you like our new magnetic sign??

the first night, m and d left the window covers open, and we barked a lot at other dogs and people. they learned real quick to zip the windows closed at night after that. we were on long tie-outs and kept getting tangled up in chairs, table legs and each other, and that was kind of a pain, and mommy says she’s gonna haveta figure out a better way to secure us. we ate our regular food, but diddy fixed these huge chicken tortillas with corn and guac and all kinds of stuff. they smelled so yummy! the next night steph made chili. yum! camping smells great!

we went for 3 hikes, and then we went down to the lake to go swimmie, but, naturally, no dogs allowed at the beach area, so we had to hike to the other end of the lake. they call it a lake, but really it’s a really shallow mud hole that mommy wouldn’t even get in, because there was gross stuff floating in it. the “beach” was mud, and i thought it smelled good, but mommy said “yukky!” and she’s not even a princess- i guess to a person, they want to be able to see through the water.

here are some more pics of our big adventure! we can’t wait to go on the BIG trip!!!




Camping Rules!! — 11 Comments

  1. Thanks for the shout-out Chance. I really liked meeting you and your brother and sister. I’ve heard a lot about y’all and now can’t wait to read of your “tails” ;). See you soon, Mags

  2. I am glad your parents introduced you to camping. Chester loves camping! We do the backpacking kind though so we have to hike to where we camp. Gretel hasn’t been so we can’t wait to introduce her to it this summer.

    • since kismet’s now 13, it’s tough for him to hike too much. roxie, on the other hand, runs circles around the rest of us (literally)

  3. Good idea having a trial run before your big trip. We had a mini trial last year when we ventured back to Iowa. I’m sure you guys figured out some things that worked and some things you want to change. Sounds like the pups adjusted pretty well.