American Idol Recap

Well, AI is now officially over for the season, after a 10-season run of one of my top shows EVER!  If you didn’t get to see it, here is a (admittedly biased) re-hash of last night’s season finale.

First and foremost, Lee Dewyze won top spot in a somewhat of a surprise ending. I’m not sayin’ he was bad, in fact i pulled for him several times. But Crystal Bowersox (Mama Sox) was a front-line favorite from day 1, and after their sing-off on Tuesday night, pretty much everybody thought she had it in the bag.

Alas, Lee was the safe bet, often referred to by the judges as “mainstream” and “sellable” with his shy-boy good looks, guitar strumming abilities and raspy, sometimes Dave-Matthews reminiscent voice, but Crystal, OMG–THAT gal could flat-out sang!!!!!!!!! Problem is, she was very much a Janis Joplin, folksy-type with dreads and bad teeth that many of the younger (ahem–under 25) viewers probably couldn’t relate to. Me?  She’s 100% my kinda gal. She’ll make it, as so many of the runners-up have shown. I’ll buy her record, as will many of my peeps.

As far as the show went, the 2 finalists were a bit overshadowed by the fact that it was judge Simon Cowell’s final gig on the show, marking a HUGE turning-point, if not the total demise of American Idol as we know and love it. Some totally lame-ass comedian did a roast/song on him, and it was at that point that everybody grew completely uncomfortable, not for his “slamming” lyrics, but for his total inability to be in the least bit funny. Thank god Simon didn’t judge him, it would have been his worst slam yet.

Siobhan opened, joined by 2 of the fossil-like Brothers Gibb–embarrassing! She was the only one of the 3 that could carry a tune, i feel bad that she drew the short straw.

Big Mike and Michael McDonald should have taken it to the streets and just left it there, weak, weak, weak.

Alas, Crystal did an awesome (IMHO) duet with one of my faves (and thankfully current) Alanis Morissette, and proved why she was a favorite all along.

I loved watching Carrie Underwood, the most successful Idol ever. She is one classy broad, and deserves all of the kudos that she has earned in the music biz.

Casey James (yummers) and brett Michaels (yummers, again) made a delicious twosome. (Care to make that a threesome, boys??)

Brett Michaels & Casey James

Lee’s medly of tunes with surviving (ancient, but surviving) members of Chicago sucked the wind out of the “Windy City”.  I noticed that throughout the entire show last night, Lee (cute as he is) looked a bit like a deer in the headlights.  I believe he was shell-shocked. Maybe he should’ve taken a hit before hand. I’m just sayin…

Paula Abdul was as sane and sober as I’ve ever seen her and was (again, IMHO) a good addition to the show, if not a tad overbearing. She did her god-honest best to thwart the rumors that she and Simon were arch enemies, and, well, I believed her. They looked like two truly good friends.

But speaking of overbearing, diva Janet Jackson had obviously only agreed to be on the show if she could hog the stage and have it all to herself. Nope, no duet for Janet. In true DIVA form, she made it all about herself.  (I am sure she was lip-synching Nasty Boys). She did look booty-licious in her black dress slit up to her bubbly breasts, though.

My personal favorite was the trio of Joe Cocker, Lee and Crystal singing “Get by With a Little Help From My Friends”. That rocked!!  (Altho he is a prehistoric fossil, and probably needed some help getting by, he did us old farts proud).

So, congratulations, Lee. I hope you never have to go back to mixing paint again. Keep your pretty-little head on straight, and you’ll go far. Crystal, my girl?  You’re already there. I’ve  loved watching you every single week.

As for American Idol? Who do YOU want to see as Simon’s replacement? Will it ever be the same?  No. I give it two years.

Goodbye, Simon.  You will be missed.



American Idol Recap — 3 Comments

  1. I love this post. If I hadn’t seen the AI finale, I would definitely be satisfied with this article. I love Lee but it seems that Crystal acted as a winner that night. Lee was somehow lost or still isn’t confident enough. I love them both, they’re already winners for me.

  2. Pingback: American Idol Recap Jules Rules « What's the Score?