Good Times w/ Old Friends

OOOOHHHHHHH!!!! today was fun! an old friend wo was my best friend in the 2nd-4th grades (and wo lives about 3 hours from vancouver) came to visit me today. actually, she was here on business, but we pre-arranged our timing, so we got in a good day-long visit.  for any of my old (really old) harlan, ky friends, it is sylvia currie, who lived on ivy street.  here’s a shot of us.

sylvia and me at dinner

sylvia and me at dinner

aren’t we still so cute???

sylvia and i were peas in a pod, loved to be outdoors, wether it was swimming in the (nasty, polluted)  cumberland river that ran not far from her house or riding ponies til they bucked us off!  we had sooo much fun as kids, and still love outdoor adventures.

so this afternoon, we went for about (aboot, as canadians say)  a 3 hour hike, including the time it took us to find where we parked.  (we both seem to SUCK at directions and map-reading).

hiking in pacific spirit park
hiking in pacific spirit park

it was so good to be together after a long time–we last saw each other 2 days b4 9-11, when hk and i spent a month in the canadian rockies.

anyway, after dinner, she had to get back to her real life, and i walked the pups down to kits beach, 4 blocks away. there was this old guy (ok, ok, he was probably my age), playing john prine songs on his guitar, so i sang a couple of tunes with him, (i’m an old fan of jp) and then played frisbee w/ the pups…. a great day. great. day.


Good Times w/ Old Friends — 2 Comments

  1. Jules…
    Sylvia looks just like she did a hundred years ago!!! How do you guys do it?????