What’s Your Word for 2009?

photo found at www.gerryriskin.com

photo found at www.gerryriskin.com

2008 is over. I know, it was officially over on Thursday, Jan. 1, but our weekend was spent taking down holiday decorations, putting stuff away, and generally just cleaning up.  That, to me, signifies more of an ending than a beginning.  Closure. So yesterday, Monday, Jan. 5th, I actually felt like a new year had begun, and I am feeling optimistic about the possibilities that 2009 has to offer.

Last year was tough. It started with an eight-month battle with chronic pain from arthritis (that had been mis-or-differently diagnosed four times). After months of alternative and standard methods of treatment , including weekly self-injections, accupuncture, accupressure, t’ai chi and physical therapy, the pain finally was controlled and most of my mobility returned.

An old friend died suddenly and tragically, and I attended my first true funeral (death overwhelms me).   Also in 2008, I began writing seriously and regularly, only to get frustrated with editors that didn’t feel that my work was as brilliant as i felt it was, (really, a lot of it was genius–they’ll see), and, due to a years-long drought, our little vacation cottage on the lake became an eyesore mired in the muck of what was once Lake Lanier.

Don’t get me wrong, i’m not like, all, “oh, poor me, my life sucks”, but it had it’s tough times.

So yesterday, MY new year, I woke up on the right side of the bed, did a big ole t’ai chi stretch, and welcomed- in 2009. This year is a BIG one for me, one that i’m gonna remember for the many gifts it brings. I haven’t made any new year’s resolutions, just revelations. And plans. Big plans.  We’re spending the summer in Vancouver (my favorite city-so far), and also planning to reunite with old  friends from around the country.  For my (big) birthday, we’re going trekking in Bhutan for 3 weeks. Throughout these adventures, I hope to realize more of my spirituality.  But I don’t mean spirituality in a religious sense.   By spirituality, I am referring to what is inside of me that makes me a stronger, better, more inquisitive and accepting being.  I want to grasp inner peace and let go of what it is that holds me back. And I will and employ that power of the spirit to propell me forward into living my best life yet. 

So this year, I am casting out any negative energy, (WHOOOSSSHHH),  opening my arms to new possibilities, and adopting the word “SPIRIT” as “my” word for 2009.

SPIRIT–the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul; Enthusiasm; Life Force.

That’s it. Happy New Year!  I’d love  you to leave a reply and share with me your word for 2009.



What’s Your Word for 2009? — 9 Comments

  1. You know I have about five on my post, but of those, I think maybe…


    I love your choice of SPIRIT and I’M glad your new year is off to a great start. This is going to be your year….I can feel it!

  2. Hey Jules,
    Wow, you are luminous. I think Billy’s death affected all of us in a profound and possitive way, I know it has led to many revelations and a thirst for more. So great to reconnect and find that you are so far on the journey. You just walk ahead, I’ll catch up. Love the path, it is the means and the end.

  3. Still can’t believe you’re coming to Vancouver this summer. So cool! You know I’ll come visit and of course you might need a little side trip back to Lac Le Jeune. I’m getting better at mountain biking uphill. How’s your downhill coming along? 😀 And I haven’t seen a bear doing its thing in the woods since you were last here.

    Your xmas note to me about making plans for the BIG one got me thinking about my birthday. I’m making plans to go dog sledding in the Yukon! Stay tuned!

    My word for 2009 is ADVENTURE: An unusual or exciting experience.


    • ohmygod–dogsledding would be sooooo cool!
      yeah, can’t wait to see you again-i’d love to come over your way for an adventure–we’ll get our plans together.
      Adventure is the “perfectest” word ever! I like to say that the difference b/t an ordeal and an adventure is ATTITUDE!!

  4. What a great inspiration you are, and what a wonderful way of expressing your thoughts, thank you!
    I have been thinking about my word and I think I’ll go with “Energy”. “Positive Energy”, really. And I’m sending some of it your way right now.

  5. Pingback: What’s Your Word for 2010?? « Jules Rules