
brrrrrrr! loving this cool camping weather!

Wow! We’ve gone through so many different temperature zones on this trip it’s CRAZY!!!! We just left sunny Vacouver and are in the Vancouver Island North area- Port McNeil to be exact. It’s cold and socked-in in the mornings warming up to the mid-60’s during the day. Quite a change from warm, sunny, urban Vancouver!

Mommy and Diddy went out to the Cape Scott [slideshow]Provincial Park to hike. Kizzy and i went, too, but roxy is limping, so she stayed in the car.

Next day, Mommy and Diddy took a kayaking trip to hopefully see whales, which THEY DID! along with Pacific White-Sided dolphins and Dalls porpoises and seals and eagles. it was fun, but Mommy said she didn’t care for having a wet ass all day.

Oh, did i mention bears???We’ve seen 7 in 2 days!

baby bear trying to catch up w/ momma.

At night, they played bocce ball and had a tournament the last night. i got to be the judge. Diddy say’s i cheated because i kept moving the paulina! this camping stuff is so much fun!!!



Chchchchanges! — 6 Comments

  1. We’re jell-US!!! And now you’ve got us daydreaming about our road trip last year and wishing and hoping. . . .

    The Road Dogs

  2. Pingback: Photo Friday-British Columbia camping « Jules Rules