What if She’s a Psycho-Bitch From HELL?



Just last winter I decided to become a part of the “real world” and put myself on facebook.  I’d been hearing people talk about it and frankly, not having my own facebook page made me feel even more like a fucking fossil. With the big 5-0 looming ever-closer, the need to re-connect with old aquaintences was strong.  Visit my post at True Confessions  to see how i got hooked-in so easily. After my first try, I had to admit I was powerless. SHIT!

So now, 6 months later, I am actually making a real-live face to face with one of my old peeps from way back at boarding school! I have comitted to driving 4 hours and Spending The Night!!!!   Ohhhhhhhhhhh—what have I gotten myself in to? I mean, ForFuck’sSake–I haven’t seen this chick for  25 years!  And believe me, during the times we hung around, which were scattered throughout the years, we were inevitably under the influence of massive amounts of alcohol or something stronger. What if her memories aren’t the same as mine?  What if she’s a bible-banger and just wants to witness to me the whole time?   What if she’s a total psycho-bitch from hell?????? WHAT IF SHE’S WONDERING THE SAME, EXACT THING ABOUT ME?

Wish me luck and check back in a couple of days. This is gonna be interesting!


Read here for the update!!



What if She’s a Psycho-Bitch From HELL? — 11 Comments

  1. I think it’s great that you are seeing somebody that you haven’t seen in 25 years. Your post has me LMFAO. You will have a great time even if she does want to speak tongues to you – you can sit, drink and listen to her and think WTF. Be careful driving.
    love you –

  2. Jules,
    Get serious, you have enough fodder there to last a couple of weeks and not even come up for air. How do I know? I was there. You guys could dig up enough dirt to fill in Morgan'(not you) Steep. i’m just glad you turned me on to the old FB, otherwise I wouldn’t be wasting my days keeping up w/ the rest of you 257 mofros.

    Thanks Jules, thanks alot
    always your FB whore.

  3. Hi Julie,
    I hope all goes well with your reunion! When I reconnected with my dearest friend from high school I learned that she thought that Sarah Palin was cool…ouch!

    I’ll keep up with your blog–it’s great!

  4. Hey!!!!

    I take offense!!!
    I’m quite a lovely Psycho/Bible banging/Less a few brain cells freak!!!

  5. Pingback: Not a Psycho-Bitch, A Crazy Cat Lady! « Jules Rules

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