Baby, it’s COLD outside!

So here we are, me, honeykins and our 2 rescued dogs, nice and cozy by the fire. It’s 32 F. here in Atlanta. I’m wondering about that shepherd i saw chained to a tree yesterday. I’m wondering about all those “outside dogs” that people buy and then don’t properly care for. What i DON’T know is eating me up inside.

For an early christmas present to myself, I became a “guardian angel” at Best Friends Animal Society. They are the organization that was first on the scene following hurricane Katrina. They are who took Michael Vick’s pit bulls and rehabilitated them. They are on a quest for “no more homeless pets”.

So while my family is snuggled by the fire, happy and healthy, I see the new ASPCA commercial. You know the one-you want to turn the channel because Sara Mclaughlin is singing “Angel”, and it shows all these neglected and abused pets and you want to cry, but you sorta want to watch, too. It’s the cold, hard reality for too many animals.

The good news is, you, YES, YOU, can make a difference. This holiday season, make a donation. Give the person that is so hard to buy for a gift with purpose. Make a donation in someone’s name. Whether it’s the ASPCA, Best Friends, or a local shelter, give what you can. There is a life depending on it!

road trip

road trip



Baby, it’s COLD outside! — 4 Comments

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