coming up for air

I’ve been holding my breath since my last post, afraid to allow myself to breathe too deeply. trying to take my mind away from the most important issue of the days, the weeks, the months. Actually for the last 8 years, in November of 2000, when honeykins and i were sitting on a sailboat in the middle of the carribean, trying to figure out, along with the rest of the world, who our president elect was. As the news waivered between gore (yeah) and bush (boo hiss), so did our spirits. That’s when the smooth sailing became rough water, and we wanted so badly to just bail out.

But we didn’t bail, we held our course, we voted when we could and did the small things that would calm the waters in our own lives.  And now, today, 8 LOOOONNNNGGGGG years later, the fruits of our efforts and of like-minded strangers and friends that share our vision, have made the change we’ve been holding our breath for.

So now we surface–and we breathe deeply the fresh air that today brings.  We will rise to the occasion to get our once-great country back on track. It’s time to raise our sails and leave behind the stormy seas that have rocked our boat for too damn long. I’m ready.


Yes, WE DID!!!!!

Yes, WE DID!!!!!



coming up for air — 3 Comments

  1. Yeah, so now we can get back to the business at hand, get W out from his undisclosed location, get the old man out to pasture, and what’s her name back to Alaska. Wish she’d quit winkin at me. Hope she gets eaten by a polar bear, or attacked by Bullwinkle. Ok, maybe that’s a little harsh. I just don’t know who she pals around with but Africa is a continent!